Deleting Profiles

Deleting profiles involves removing all the items that represent a profile both logically and physically on the database. Logically these items include, Entities, Lookups, Lookup Values and Social Tenure Relationship definitions. At the database level, these items are represented as Tables and Views.

Great care should be taken before deleting a profile as it is a non-reversible process. Once a profile is deleted you cannot access the profile and data stored on the profile tables.

To delete a profile, follow the steps below.

1. Click the Configuration Wizard icon on the STDM plugin menu to open the Configuration Wizard window.

2. When the Configuration Wizard window opens, click the Next button on the wizard Navigation bar.

3. When you get to the Profile page, click the Delete Profile button on the Profile Management Section.

4. A warning dialog window, (see image below) will popup reminding you of the consequences.

5.  If you wish to delete and close the warning dialog window, click the OK button. However, to abort the delete process and close the warning dialog window, click the Cancel button.

6. If the profile was deleted, it will be removed from the list in the Select Profile drop down.