26 Jul 2017 Celebrating the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy; Kwa Bulo settlement, Mombasa County
Join us in celebrating the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy to residents of Kwa Bulo settlement, Mombasa County!
On the 19th of July 2017, residents of this settlement located in Nyali Constituency in Mombasa County were issued with more than 1,000 Certificates of Occupancy, ending many years of tenure insecurity and fear of forced evictions. The journey was facilitated by the use and application of GLTN’s Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) tool, a pro-poor land information system, in collaboration with Mombasa County Government, Pamoja Trust, Muungano Wa Wanavijiji and Kwa Bulo Settlement leaders. Through the use of the information generated using the STDM tool, the community was able to effectively strengthen its position towards tenure security improvement. Residents of Kwa Bulo now possess Certificates of Occupancy as an assurance of tenure security, while they wait for the processing of title deeds.
This development brings to an end the long battle between the Kwa Bulo community and previous ‘owners’ of this land which manifested itself in the form of forced evictions, causing suffering, loss of property and the destruction of the physical and social infrastructure that once made Kwa Bulo residents a community.
Everlyne Kinanu, a resident of Kwa Bulo and a member of the Kwa Bulo Community Lands Committee shared that she is at peace for the first time in 25 years!
To the Kwa Bulo community, this move has awakened a sense of community purpose in and their protection from arbitrary eviction thus promoting the future development of their settlement.
For a more elaborate account, please visit the GLTN website at gltn.net
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