The configuration backend has been redesigned to be more stable and extensible. This has opened up the possibility of customizing the tool further based on the data requirements of the specific application context; these new features are highlighted below: Data Profiles STDM now supports the definition of one or more data profiles. A data profile represents a logical set of interrelated tables for a specific application context of STDM. For example, an informal settlement profile can contain tables representing household, structures, household members, priority projects, etc. whereas, a rural agriculture profile can include information pertaining to a farmer, garden, productivity and socio-economic impacts. For each data profile, STDM implicitly creates a social tenure relationship whose types are user-defined depending on the application context e.g. tenancy, ownership, leasehold, farming. The default installation is shipped with three basic data profiles which can either be customized by the user, deleted or new ones created from scratch.
For each new entity, there is now an option for enabling supporting documents to be attached to a record. By default, this is automatically enabled for new social tenure relationship definitions.
For each entity with supporting documents enabled, a user-defined set of document types can also be specified.
The following column types can now be added to entities:
A check constraint can now be applied to limit a single party to one spatial unit when defining a new social tenure relationship otherwise by default, multiple parties are allowed to be linked to a single spatial unit using the ‘new social tenure relationship’ module.
The configuration module has been simplified to automatically update the database by first checking existing tables and updating them accordingly thereby removing the options of creating new or updating existing tables, as was the case in the previous versions.
The forms are more intuitive with the option of specifying user tips for each data entry widget. Similarly, supporting documents can be easily uploaded for each entity based on the document type.
For those entities that allow supporting documents to be uploaded, the entity browser has an additional toolbar item for viewing supporting documents for a selected record.
The Entity Browser of a spatial unit or any other entity is now accessible in the Entities menu. This enables the user to edit, delete and view document of a spatial unit record. In addition, by single selecting a record, the user can preview the record’s geometry in QGIS Map Canvas as shown below.
Existing social tenure relationship records can be edited from the selected search using the New Social Tenure Relationship wizard. This gives more flexibility in modifying the person, spatial unit, social tenure type, and supporting document for the selected Social Tenure Relationship.
The custom data entry forms have now been incorporated to replace the stock QGIS forms for vector data sets listed in the ‘Spatial Unit Manager’. These forms are used when:
Images can now be added to the document layout based on a specific document type. If an entity supports, say, four different types of documents then four separate image composer items (corresponding to each document type) can be added to the layout and configured accordingly.
Reports can be generated for all primary entities in the current profile regardless of whether they participate in the social tenure relationship or not. This provides more flexibility for generating individual or aggregate reports for all data-sets managed by STDM.
Output document naming fields are ordered as they are created in the Configuration Wizard and they can be sorted by drag and drop as shown the bottom of the image below.
Using the value translator framework, supporting documents can now be imported for each record by specifying the document path in the module and the file name in the csv file.
An interface has been added for managing most commonly used system settings. These include:
Migration from the previous versions of STDM is seamless. For existing installations, the upgrade of STDM is done through the QGIS Plugin manager; that notifies the user to upgrade to the new version. Then a configuration and data migration is done through the new Upgrade module. It is accessible on the first time login and from the Options module.
Note: This only works for STDM v1.0 and v1.1.