22 Nov 2017 Monitoring land use and tenure issues using STDM; Nakuru County
GLTN, in partnership with the Smallholder Dairy Commercialization Project (SDCP) are testing the use of smart phone technology to collect data in Nakuru County with an aim of establishing a geo-referenced M&E System for the SDCP project. This data will be imported into the STDM software for analysis and ultimately inform on how to incorporate land and natural resource monitoring elements in the project.
SDCP, an IFAD project has implemented numerous interventions to enhance commercialization of dairy and dairy products through the Market Oriented Dairy Enterprises (MODE) approach. However, the smallholder dairy farmers in the target counties are faced with challenges and risks including increasing competition for dwindling land resources in communal tenure premise, population explosion, land degradation, climate change and land grabbing resulting in a threat to food security and land rights of poor and vulnerable people. In addition, women and youth have been excluded predominantly in terms of access to and control over land and other natural resources.
This exercise will ensure the collection and tracking of various variables to inform project implementers, the beneficiaries and other stakeholders on how to improve project performance and in so doing continue strengthening the capacity of poor small holder dairy producers and traders to respond to market opportunities.
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