An STDM report must contain a data source which contains data that will be used in the underlying document. Depending on the desired output of the report, the data source can simply be from an STDM table corresponding to an entity or a database view that represents a more complex relationship between different entities such as those participating in a social tenure relationship. In both cases, the data source must include a set of fields that will be used across the report. These data fields can then be used directly in some data-driven items (such as data labels or maps) or be linked to related fields in other data-driven items (such as attribute table, photo, graphs, etc.). When the report is processed, the data resulting from the queries run on the data source will be dynamically inserted and linked to the corresponding data-driven items based on the item configuration specified at design time.
If you wish to generate a map based document using the default Social Tenure Views, you need to use the Spatial Unit View. However, if you need to include information about the party in the map based document, you can link it through the Attribute Table item instead of Data Label item. However, if your configuration does not allow multiple party records to be linked to a spatial unit record, you can use Party Views as a data source.
This panel enables you to select a table that will be the source for data label, map, attribute table, photo, and chart. One data source should be used for the entire template. Once you choose a data source, every item you add should either use the data source as a source or provide a linking column to another table that provides the content to a template item.
The panel is located in the right side of Document Designer as highlighted in the image below.